We are the ones you never hear about that are behind the scenes at several multi-billion dollar companies, making sure every last visitor has the experience they expect and deserve. We want to share this knowledge on a more personal level and build our portfolio of those who are rising up to the top.
Many of our projects are confidential based on non-disclosure agreements, however we can share a few of our projects from along the way.

Hammock Dave
Hammock Dave is a small garage-shop aimed at selling high quality handmade goods without the fuss of customizing a limited commerce platform.
Using Drupal Commerce, we leverage the ability to connect to multiple payment gateways as well as offer extra features such as a blog and eventually a custom product ordering system

Coming to us as a Wordpress maintenance project, Nest Bend Real Estate is focused on high end real estate markets in Central Oregon.
We've since migrated them to a fresh and clean Drupal 10 website integrated with Homefinder.com as their MLS servicer. This project was about more than cleaning up the look and feel, it allowed for a much better admin experience.
With Drupal, adding content such as Blogs, basic pages and even real estate listing detail pages is extremely easy. With the right mix of design guidelines, and customizable components, Nest Bend has made the jump to a real professional web presence.

Marine Hydraulic Consultancy
Marine Hydraulic Consultancy needed an overhaul on their website. Though simple, it has much more of an impact than the older version. The team can post jobs, update blogs and keep their customers informed using Drupal's ultra-east interface.

LUXSB.com has been an ongoing project based on a Drupal 7 platform. Integrating with a third party billing system is forefront of the LUXSB website mission.
Prepping for a platform upgrade, we have been tightening up the user experience while offering more features such as a rewards program, referral system and a robust monthly product selection tool.
The fragrance industry is targeted at the most discerning customers and we strive to maintain the expectation.